During the American Sewing Expo, I had the opportunity to meet and work with Kenneth King. I had spied him on Friday and wanted to ask him to take a photo with me but decided against because he looked to be in a hurry and because I thought he might be stand-offish or even stuck on himself. Boy was I wrong! Kenneth one is the most humble, non-pretentious, awesome people I have ever met. He's like someone you've known and been friends with your entire life. He is a great instructor and story-teller. He likes his coffee with lots of cream and only one sugar. Not only is he a master of all things sewing, he is also a master of drywall and can mix any paint color you cold image. I even increased my vocabulary under his excellent tutelage! Beware...don't even mention camera or photo. He is always on the ready for a photo op posing like a runway model.
Can't you tell he's enjoying himself??
Kenneth was gifted the fabric for his jeans. He said the fabric retails for about $300 dollars a yard! He has 65 yards of it. What a great friend.
I talked with both Kenneth and Lorraine Henry about the problem I have with nothing fitting since my 25lb weight loss. Kenneth's suggestion is to have someone else do the alterations since he, like I, hates to do alterations. Lorraine's suggested only altering those garments made out of fabric I absolutely love. They both suggest making new wardrobe pieces. Sound advice from both.