
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I Should Be Sewing

I should be sewing but I'm not. Why? I have absolutely the worst hang-nail in the world on my index finger. That doesn't sound like a good reason but it is beyond painful. I've cut as much as I can away and it's now just a waiting game until I can function again. I had planned on having a coat finished by the end of the week. That project has come to a screeching halt. I'm still hopeful that I can at least get some of it done but it's not looking good right now.

While I first thought these photos were sewing related, they really are.  I'm an aspiring violin virtuoso. I've played the violin since elementary school and as an adult have played in several orchestras. I'm currently taking lessons and have the most wonderful teacher. She is from Finland and is everything you would want in an instructor, not to mention she is amazed by my sewing skills. She even willing snapped a couple of photos for me. Under her excellent tutelage my next stop could be the Metropolitan opera! LOL.

Actually my outfit is the winner in these photos. It features a faux lace twin-set I made in 2010 and the lace panel skirt from Faye's Carnival of skirts. Coupled with my over the knee suede boots I think this outfit is a real winner! I really love being able to combine old garments with newer ones to create a polished look.


  1. Great outfit! And how awesome that you play the violin!

  2. WOW! You are truly sis-in-law plays the organ :)

  3. Seriously is there anything you can't do?! Play video, bowl (congrats on the bronze medal!), cook, sew, knit...*sigh* You are just amazing!

  4. I am so excited to learn of your musical talent!

    I, too, have been playing violin since elementary school! I am soooo jealous that you have carved out time for refresher lessons and have found a teacher you love. Kudos to you, your many talents and wonderful life!

    (Love hearing your voice on your video..!)
    I will continue to follow you and encourage all your endeavors....

    (a fellow violinist and sewist)

  5. Your outfit is fantastic! Wow, a violin player too. You are so talented. Be sure to keep us updated on where your playing takes you!

  6. Your outfit is wonderful. Just the right look for a cold day out. Hope your cut heals quickly.
