Even with the painful hangnail as well as the sliced thumb, I am forging ahead on my coat. I don't think I mentioned it here but I don't have a solid black winter coat. I did have one but after realizing it had seen better days, I trashed it. Little did I know that the fashionista in me would not be able to wear a brown coat while styling black boots and purse. As I want to sew everything I wear I had to find a suitable coat pattern and do what I do...SEW.
Although I thought I had what was a suitable fabric in my stash, it wasn't a solid so I had to make a trip to the local JoAnn's. Once there I found what appeared to be a semi-felted 100% wool boucle` that is perfect. The regular price was $49.99 a yard marked down by 60%. What a deal and thank goodness because I needed 3 1/2 yards.The lining fabric is from my stash as well as the interfacing.
On Sunday I made an FBA to the pattern as well as turned the one-piece sleeve into two pieces. Monday I cut the pieces out. Tuesday I fused the interfacing. Yesterday I did the fused tailoring. I was going to do hand tailoring but the finger and thumb will not allow that, so I am tailoring using the fusible method. So far all the fusing is done but the only seam I've sewn is the undercollar. My goal is to have this coat done by Sunday. I guess I just love a challenge. Wish me luck.

Although I thought I had what was a suitable fabric in my stash, it wasn't a solid so I had to make a trip to the local JoAnn's. Once there I found what appeared to be a semi-felted 100% wool boucle` that is perfect. The regular price was $49.99 a yard marked down by 60%. What a deal and thank goodness because I needed 3 1/2 yards.The lining fabric is from my stash as well as the interfacing.
On Sunday I made an FBA to the pattern as well as turned the one-piece sleeve into two pieces. Monday I cut the pieces out. Tuesday I fused the interfacing. Yesterday I did the fused tailoring. I was going to do hand tailoring but the finger and thumb will not allow that, so I am tailoring using the fusible method. So far all the fusing is done but the only seam I've sewn is the undercollar. My goal is to have this coat done by Sunday. I guess I just love a challenge. Wish me luck.