I finally started on a jacket for the "One Jacket a Month" challenge. Since I'm going to be really pressed for time, I chose a pattern that I've already used--Simplicity 4273. I like jackets that I can wear without a blouse underneath and I can see myself making this one a few more times. Because I'm pressed for time, I probably won't be lining it. I know, I know. I said I'd draft a lining for it if I made it again. I lied! I will be making this again and yes, I will draft a lining for it the next time. I had enough fabric that I also cut out my favorite Painter's Tape Pants. I abolutely wearing suits. They're a no-brainer. Grab a suit, throw on some shoes and accesories and I'm ready to go. If I'm going to be finished with the jacket this month, I have to get off of here and start sewing!