If you follow me on Facebook you already know I had an eight hour stay in the emergency room with the husband. While trying to assassinate a raccoon who insists on trying to re-enter the attic, he had a slip and fall. Now he has been placed in the "shoulder relocation program." If we were keeping score, it would be raccoon 1, husband 1.
Doesn't he look miserable? Poor baby. But wait. The bathroom repair is done but with the fouled up shoulder, he has not be able to put everything back in it's place. That means I can't put my fabric back into the sewing closet which means I'm still not able to sew. It could be weeks before I'm able to put the fabric away. I've got to come up with an alternate plan because I have to sew. The main problem is having a place to cut fabric. Because of the knee replacement, I can't put it on the floor and the Barbie's have taken up residency on the dining room table. I'd hate cutting there anyway. I guess I could try it on the bed but with my luck I'd cut right through to the mattress and the ensuing backache is something I wouldn't relish either. I'll come up with something!
Over the weekend I had an opportunity to give my golf dress a test drive. You can read the review here.
The idea was a good one but the the actual was as bad as the round of golf! The stretch sateen was butt sprung when I left home, was worse after the drive to the course and was so much worse after the round. The front armholes needed to be cut in more as each time I swung the club, the left armhole got caught on the front of my shoulder and was quite painful. I also need to add back waist darts for a little more shaping. With this fabric I'd rate this dress an epic fail! It'll make a wonderful house so I guess It wasn't a total loss. I will try it but again in a different fabric.

Doesn't he look miserable? Poor baby. But wait. The bathroom repair is done but with the fouled up shoulder, he has not be able to put everything back in it's place. That means I can't put my fabric back into the sewing closet which means I'm still not able to sew. It could be weeks before I'm able to put the fabric away. I've got to come up with an alternate plan because I have to sew. The main problem is having a place to cut fabric. Because of the knee replacement, I can't put it on the floor and the Barbie's have taken up residency on the dining room table. I'd hate cutting there anyway. I guess I could try it on the bed but with my luck I'd cut right through to the mattress and the ensuing backache is something I wouldn't relish either. I'll come up with something!
Over the weekend I had an opportunity to give my golf dress a test drive. You can read the review here.
The idea was a good one but the the actual was as bad as the round of golf! The stretch sateen was butt sprung when I left home, was worse after the drive to the course and was so much worse after the round. The front armholes needed to be cut in more as each time I swung the club, the left armhole got caught on the front of my shoulder and was quite painful. I also need to add back waist darts for a little more shaping. With this fabric I'd rate this dress an epic fail! It'll make a wonderful house so I guess It wasn't a total loss. I will try it but again in a different fabric.