I've been doing quite a bit of sewing and I have the battle scars to prove it!
I was pressing a seam while using a sleeve board. I must have zoned out for just and instant and "Yow." WTH. Now I seem to bump, rub and scratch constantly. Add to that I must have slept wrong Sunday night and my back has been hurting every since. But that's not all. Sunday while getting ready for church I stumped my toe, the one next to the little one, so badly that I haven't even been able to put a flip-flop on! I'm thinking of trying to get in to see the doctor today. I celebrated my 55th birthday exactly one week ago and man, it's been down hill every since. LOL.
Since I last posted I've made six pairs of panties, a peplum blouse and two pairs of pants. Pictures will come eventually. I think after a little more than a year I am over my dress phase. Now it's pants, pants, pants. There is a pair of slacks in the August 2010 Burda magazine that Carolyn of Diary of a Sewing Fanatic so generously gifted me that I would love to make. How in the HELL am I supposed to trace the pattern without going blind?? If there is a secret I need it and I need it now!
Thursday Thoughts
- Reality shows are getting dumber and dumber..if that is even possible.
- "Here comes Honey Boo Boo"
- The bowling season has started!
- One week until my 3rd wedding anniversary.
- I love my husband.
- He is a handful.
- I'm currently reading John Grishams "The Litigators."
- The actual book, not on a reader.
- I need to take my embroidery machine in for repair
- Wish me luck!
- I think there will be lots of sweater in my future.
- Yes, I'm going to make them myself.
- I need to make some dishcloths first.
- I need more patterns and fabric like I need a hole in the head!
- I love windchimes!