I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. While I don't normally make an outfit specifically for Easter, this year was different. My church will soon be celebrating our 5th anniversary so we are planning a weekend full of festivities. Included as part of the weekend will be a souvenir booklet.
In college, I pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha and at least seven of my sorority sisters are members of the congregation. We've decided to purchase a full page ad complete with picture. It was decided that we should all wear white dresses. Fast forward to my fabric closet and fabric for a white dress was quickly located as well as lining, 22" zipper and any other notions I might need. I love shopping at home!
I've wanted to make
Simplicity 2473 for quite some time and this was the perfect opportunity. I had to make my usual FBA and wide back adjustment.
Step 1: Pin-fit pattern
Step 2: Mark pattern for FBA
Step 3: Cut and spread pattern and add tissue as needed
Step 4: Rotate bust dart
Step 5: Measure at stitching line for amount to be added to center front
Step 6
Step 8: True seam with French Curve
Step 9: Pin-fit adjusted pieces
The bottom of bodice is pulling to the left. While it might seem as though there needs to be more width at the side seam, experience has taught me that I need to take a small tuck at the center front.
Step 10: Take tuck as center front.
Step 11: Finally, adjust midriff and skirt to match width chances on bodice
I snapped these photos before I ran out the door. I love the fit of this dress. I used a double strand of black thread for my top stitching. The fabric is a linen blend and I included a full lining. I couldn't figure out why I have a few wrinkles in the back but I don't have any problem with that. Could be that I had my control garment on backwards and didn't realize it until I got in from church. Don't laugh! It could happen to anybody. I made a jacket to match but that will be posted later in the week.
My husband wasn't particularly a fan of this dress. He didn't see me in it until I got home from church. He said it looked too big and likes
Simplicity 2648 better. I tried to explain to him that this dress was more of an A-line. It was not until I glanced in the mirror that I really saw what he was talking about. A two-hour sit in the dress had caused the dress to become seriously "butt sprung!" Yikes! You know what "butt sprung" is. It's when your garment, usually a loosely woven or knit, does not retain its shape after you've sprung it out with your butt! In this dress it was absolutely horrible. My husband said it looked as if someone had stuffed a midget under my dress! I can't even begin to tell you how bad it was. And to think I was strutting around after church just thinking I was the S.H.I.T (she has it together)! Oh the horror of it all. Needless to say I changed into 2648 quicker than you can say "get that midget off my ass!"
I'm sure I'll make this dress again but I'll steer clear of this particular fabric.