Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Pattern Review -- Vogue 8685
Pattern Description:
Close-fitting, mid-knee or below mid-calf length dresses. Features bodice with pleats, darts, midriff, yoke, topstitched trim and back zipper
Pattern Sizing:
I sewed a 14 through the bust gradually going out to a 20 at the hips.
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
I think it looks exactly like the pattern envelope. What do you think?
I didn't follow the instructions because they have you sew the bodice together and then attach it to the skirt. I don't like that construction at all. I sewed the front together then the backs and then pin-fit the side seams. I construct most dresses this way.
I liked that there were pleats under the bust instead of a dart. With my cup size it is nearly impossible to sew one dart in such a a way that it isn't pointed at the end.
The fabric was from the clearance table at Joann's. It was called Ottoman "something". It is a polyester and spandex blend. The fabric was very easy to work with and is as comfortable as a nightie.
Before starting I had to make my usual FBA. I made a 1" FBA with a dart at the side seam and then rotated it to under the bust and turning it into an additional pleat. Now instead of having three pleats at the underbust like the original pattern I have four. This is what my upper bodice piece looked like after the alteration.
I also raised the armhole about 1". All summer I've been forgetting to do this alteration and wide up having underarm flab showing or way to much bra.
The dress called for a back zipper which I originally installed but wouldn't you know it had a very warped look. I wish I had followed my first mind and omitted it. As I was removing the zipper I realized the warping was operator error...who'd a thunk?? I do need to work on the center back seam because there is something weird going on where the bottom of the zipper was. I think the camera flashed before I was ready!
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
I will definitely sew this again. I may sew it again as my very next project.
Add this pattern to your list.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday Musings
Although the pattern has quite a few pieces, it went together fairly quickly. It has lots of topstitching and I was worried that the midriff is not lined and the weight of the knit might need it. It didn't. I did make an FBA because frankly, I am obsessed with not having any pulling across the bust. Once I made the FBA, I then had to alter nearly every other pattern piece for the dress to fit together was worth it. The envelope describes it as close-fitting, that may have been an understatement. Let's just say I'm glad I don't have a problem wearing shapewear! I wish I had followed my first mind and eliminated the back zipper. Although the zipper installation was a breeze the finished look isn't. I didn't interface the zipper area because the knit I used was quite substantial, I got one really warped spot that is going to necessitate me removing the zipper. I'm able to get the dress on with the zipper zipped up so it won't be a problem. Oh and I finally remembered that most sleeveless or near sleeveless style armholes are usually way too low for my liking so I raised the underarm 1" and it is absolutely perfect...or is that just me??
Now on to my musings...
- Like Carolyn I've only made dresses this season. I wonder if it was because it was so hot this summer I didn't want anything that close to my crotch? Just saying!
- I watched one of my favorite movies last nigjt, To Kill a Mockingbird. For the first time I contemplated how relevant the movie still is. Think it isn't? Think Susan Smith.
- Did you know that Harper Lee is a woman?
- If I'm not mistaken she won a Pulitzer Prize for it.
- Not before nor since has she written another novel.
- Reports are that she did the bulk of the writing for Truman Capote's In Cold Blood but received no recognition for it.
- Everybody remembers where they were and what they were doing on 9/11.
- Supposedly, the average woman buys four pairs of shoe a year. Huh?
- I think I bought four pairs last month!
- I wonder how much fabric the average sewer buys a year?
- Guess how many books the average person reads a year?
- Zero.

Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday Thoughts
I know it's Friday but I was thinking about some of this stuff yesterday!

- What in the heck is going on with Blogger? There are some blogs I can't comment on anymore because Blogger prompts me to sign in over and over and get the point. Is it just me?
- I haven't sewn in over a week but at least I've been thinking about it.
- My knee feels a little better and I do mean a little!
- I've been making lots of greeting cards.
- A woman with an upscale boutique is selling them in her shop for $15 a piece! Yikes.
- Bowling season is all set to start back.
- I had to cut my nails.
- Waaaaaaaaaaah
- Orchestra season will start in a couple of weeks so they were going to have to go anyway.
- If you don't really want to know...don't ask me...cuz I'll tell you like it really is. Example..."Do you like these shoes?" "They're cute, are you going to the club after work?" "No, why?" "Those are going to the club shoes!" "No they're not. These are work shoes." " Sure those are work shoes...if you're a stripper!" "Don't they look good with my suit?" "What suit? You have on a flannel shirt, some leggings and shoes that are not appropriate for an office!" The moral of the story is, "if you don't want to know, don't ask me!"
- I am ready for my husband to stop working 12 hours 7 days.
- Money isn't everything.
- I just signed up for the Friday Night Sew In hopefully it'll be what I need to jump start my sewing

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Happy Birthday to me
That's right today is my birthday...double nickel minus 1. I share the celebration with Angela Bassett, Madonna, and Michelle from Cheap and Picky who by that way has been AWOL from blogland.
I woke up this morning with a terrible migraine and didn't finish my birthday dress. The dress wasn't a problem because I had no plans because I husband is on 13 hour shifts. I have to work tomorrow and I'm just happy to be alive. My knee is hurting like hell after having my injection so I'll be spending the rest of the evening relaxing with an ice pack. I didn't ask for any gifts because there is nothing that I need or want. On second thought I guess I did a get a new car. I'd post a picture of it but my knee hurts too bad to brave the stairs, pull the car out the garage and snap a picture. I did get a fantastic surprise today. While at the doctor's office I pulled my electronic tablet out of my purse. Not paying attention to what I was doing I pulled it out upside down and it fell out of the case and went crashing to the floor. Luckily the floor was carpeted. Anyway stuck in the case behind the tablet I found a $125 money order that I was sure I'd thrown out in last week's trash! Yippeee! I love finding the money. ( In my mind I'm jumping around doing the happy dance!)
Ya'll come back now ya my best Beverly Hillbillies impersonation!

Friday, August 12, 2011
Butterick 5496
I hate to admit it but I've been know to thrown on an oversize T-shirt and leggings to run errands. Not anymore. Nothing could be easier than this tunic. There are two main pattern pieces: front and back. The fabric is from Red Tag section at JoAnn's and I'm sure I got it during one of their half-off specials. I used foldover elastic around the neckline. On the inside I used french seams. I wasn't getting quite the coverage I wanted over my butt so I added a 3" piece of some scrap fabric I had laying around to the bottom/hem. I especially like the elastic waist as it gives this tunic some shaping without a lot of extra fitting. I did add 3/4" to the center front as a cheater FBA and lowered the elastic 3/4" on the center front as well. I've already made it a second time. I added a seam to the center back just to see how little fabric I could use to make it. Try 1 1/4 yards of 60". Not bad if I say so myself. This will be my go-to outfit for running errands.

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Thursday Thoughts 9/11/2011
- I hadn't sewn in almost two weeks!
- I stitched up a tunic today.
- It's really cute, or is that just me?
- My knee has been hurting really bad.
- Tuesday is my birthday.
- I get another knee injection Tuesday.
- Some birthday present.
- Fifty-four is the magic number
- Who wound've thunk it?
- I've been in a cleaning frenzy.
- My refrigerator is so clean inside it belongs on an appliance showroom floor.
- I needed to purge some shoes; my goal was ten pairs.
- I managed to get rid of 18 pairs! Yay!
- I've been making tons of greeting cards.
- I'm thinking of renting a booth at a trade center to sell my cards.
- Husband says," No" because it would be Friday, Saturday and Sunday every week.
- I'm still thinking about it. 8-{
- I lost 4 lbs this week.
- I gained 4 lbs a couple of weeks ago.
- I think I'm having a water retention issue.
- Better take my water pills more consistently.
- I have been eating like a pig.
- Mainly fruit...go figure.
- I went to the Secretary of State Tuesday to renew my license and plates for my motorcycle and car.
- I wound up not getting my license renewed because I would have had to get my picture taken.
- I didn't get the picture taken because I didn't have on makeup.
- Call me vain I don't care.
- I'm going back tomorrow in full makeup.
- Don't hate me 'cuz I'm beautiful.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday Musings 8/1/2011
- I spent the better part of today looking for my checkbook.
- I still haven't found it!
- I cleaned out every purse I own in my search.
- Why is that we never take all the crap out of the previous purse we've used?
- Who needs 10 pens in a purse?
- I did find my MP3 player and Bose earbuds.Yippeee!
- Also found a card I made for my husband for Father's Day 2010!
- I've stashed my checkbook and extra checks somewhere because I can't find either.
- If you like brownies don't be sucked in by the new FiberOne commercials...dry and crumbly is how I can best describe 'em.
- Not sure what my next sewing project will be...I'm betting it'll be a dress.
- I go to the Orthopedic surgeon tomorrow for a knee injection. Sure hope I get some relief.
- The ants are finally gone. Yippeee!
- The fruitflies have moved in. Bummer :-(
- I haven't even put 100 miles on my new car yet.
- Hoarders is absolutely digusting. I love it!

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