I don't know what planet I was on yesterday but I thought yesterday was Thursday. Oops! Anyway just got back from the surgical oncologists office and it was not good. When I thought things couldn't get any worse...I thought wrong. I need to have surgery again. WTH. My breast tissue thickened so much from the radiation, that it is not allowing the fluid to disperse into my tissue and for the hole from the lumpectomy to collaspe onto itself. The surgery will entail removing that thickened tissue and the resulting cyst and hopefully that will solve my breast issue. What a bummer. I will probably miss the rest of the bowling season and a part of the golf season. Yikes. Life goes on and I'm still here and that is all the really matters.
I did manage to get my husband to photograph me in my March jacket--Vogue 8300. I wanted to wear it with the Simplicity dress but my stylist (husband) vetoed that look. I have to admit I do like this look.
I'm currently in "The Sewing Zone" so I'm off to work on my second version of the Simplicity dress!

I did manage to get my husband to photograph me in my March jacket--Vogue 8300. I wanted to wear it with the Simplicity dress but my stylist (husband) vetoed that look. I have to admit I do like this look.
I'm currently in "The Sewing Zone" so I'm off to work on my second version of the Simplicity dress!