The instructions for using the zipper foot are very clear and easy to understand. It works like a charm and was worth the $15 I paid for it.
On the sewing front, I am stealing time to sew and managed to make what I thought was my TNT painters tape slacks. Something must have gotten lost in translation. I couldn't find the original pattern (I'm still moving so who knows where it is) but I had transferred the pattern to tracing paper. As I was stitching them I thought to myself, "these sure look big." To my utter dismay, when I tried them on, they were huge! The waist was at least 3" too big! WTH! I am not losing weight so I don't know what happened. It's not back to the drawing board but I spent more time fine tuning the fit than should have been necessary! Oh well in the end they turned out fine. Now to find some fabric for a jacket! You all know how I love a suit. Until next time and Happy Halloween!